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Showing posts from December, 2021

Top 3 Disadvantages of Solar Street Lamps

The reason why solar street lights can develop so fast is because solar street lights have a very large number of advantages. Solar street lights have the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, easy installation, safety and reliability, long service life and so on. In knowing the advantages of solar street lights at the same time, do you also know the disadvantages of solar street lights? If you do not know, let's take a look at the following. First of all, we all know that solar street lights are converted into electricity by absorbing sunlight through battery panels and stored in the battery, so this working principle is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is the use of nature's energy, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, and very environmentally friendly. And the disadvantage is that we have to consider the problem of rainy days, if the rainy days last too long, the solar panels will not be able to absorb the sunlight, and will not be able to nor

Top 4 Advantages of Solar Energy

 Advantages of Solar Energy 1. Universal: The sun's rays shine on the earth, there is no geographical limitation whether on land or sea, no matter mountains or islands, there is everywhere, it can be directly developed and used, easy to collect, and no need to mine and transport. 2. Harmless: The development and use of solar energy does not pollute the environment, it is one of the clean energy, which is extremely valuable in today's increasingly serious environmental pollution. 3. Huge: The annual solar radiation energy reaching the earth's surface is equivalent to about 130 trillion tons of coal, and its total amount is among the big energy sources that can be developed in the world nowadays. 4. Long-lasting: according to the rate of nuclear energy generated by the sun is estimated that the storage of hydrogen is enough to maintain tens of billions of years, while the life of the Earth is also about billions of years, in this sense, it can be said that the sun's energ

What is Solar Energy?

You may be asking "What is solar energy? Well, you're not alone. Many people are not sure what the benefits of solar energy can be and how it can help you save money on your monthly bills. The benefits of solar energy are so great, here are some frequently asked questions. What is Solar Energy? Solar energy is the sun's thermal radiation energy, mainly expressed as sun rays, and is generally used in modern times to generate electricity or provide energy for water heaters. Since the dawn of life on Earth, it has survived mainly on the thermal radiation energy provided by the sun, and since ancient times humans have known how to dry objects in the sun and use it as a method of making food, such as making salt and salted fish. In the case of decreasing fossil fuels, solar energy has become an important part of human use of energy, and continue to develop. Solar energy is utilized in two ways: photothermal conversion and photoelectric conversion, and solar power is an emerging

Top 10 Applications of Solar Technology

Solar technology has come a long way, with new technologies coming into use every day, and design concepts that were once considered out of reach are now being used. Although some of these technologies are still experimental, it is believed that in the near future these technologies will be used in the following practices. 1.Water-cooled solar panels Pyron Solar Triad company designed a special short focal length, from the acrylic material synthetic solar collector lens. Sunlight is reflected and refracted in this lens to effectively concentrate the energy to a point. A second lens captures the energy from the first lens and then concentrates it on a small photovoltaic panel. The company claims that this HE lens system (HE OPTICS SYSYTEM) produces 800 times more electricity than a silicon solar panel of the same size. 2. the solar energy into hydrogen In 2009, MIT professor Daniel Nocera (Daniel Nocera) founded a company that aims to commercialize a "hydrolysis" and solar ene

Solar Panel Recycling

Billions of solar panels are on the verge of being phased out worldwide. If they are thrown away, then much of the basic material needed to make future panels is being wasted. It is estimated that by 2050, about 4 billion solar panels weighing a total of 78 million tons will be discarded. However, due to the design of the panels, it is not easy to get reusable materials from them, so it is likely that most of the panels will simply be shredded during the recycling process. But this will contaminate the material and make recycling more difficult. There is an urgent need around the world to design electronics that make it easy to extract the materials contained so that we can reuse them in new products and avoid waste. If we don't change the way we use materials, we will limit the next phase of renewable and environmentally friendly technology deployment in society, not help mitigate climate change, and lose the materials we need in them. The total value of discarded solar panels, if

New Lead-absorbing Tape: Can be Used in Chalcogenide Solar Cells to Capture 99.9% of Leaked Lead

 Recently, researchers at Northern Illinois University (NIU) and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), achieved a new breakthrough that may help accelerate the commercialization of calcium-titanium oxide solar cells (PSCs) for solar panels. In their research, the scientists developed a cost-effective transparent adhesive tape-like film that can be applied to calcium titanite solar cells and capture 99.9 percent of the leaked lead when the solar cells are damaged. According to the team, the industrial-grade film will help mitigate health and safety concerns without affecting the performance or operation of the chalcogenide solar cells. This practical approach reduces potential lead leakage to levels safer than drinking water standards, according to the researchers. Calcium-titanium oxide solar cells are not yet commercially available on a large scale because of potential lead toxicity issues to be addressed. Small amounts of water-soluble